Child Dedication

Child Dedication is for parents to present their child before God and the church, declaring that they will do your best to build the faith of their  child.  As parents, you are committing to seek after His grace and wisdom in carrying out your responsibilities as a parent.

Next Child Dedication: February 16th

The Importance of Child Dedication

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Child Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of your children. It’s also a time for you, as parents, to commit to model what following Jesus looks like and to raise your children to understand that they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to believe that the Bible is absolute Truth, and to know the importance of committing to a community of faith through the local church.

Parent Commitments

During the dedication service, parents promise before God, their family, and the church to raise their child in a God-honoring way. In some ways, it’s more of a dedication for you as a parent to make a commitment before God and others in your parenting.  But it’s also a dedication for us as a church to commit to partner with you.  We are so honored to partner with you in your journey as parents. We want to be a consistent source of encouragement, strength and resource as you raise your child in the way that God commands us in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that God commands, and when he is older, they will not forget”.

Because parents are the primary spiritual developers for their children, we ask that you commit to the following before dedicating your child:

1. Parent(s) have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2.Parent(s) are regular attenders of Journey Church’s weekend services and are following Christ in their own life.

3.Parent(s) agree with our church’s beliefs and values, which can be found in our
Statement of Faith

Register for Child Dedication

The Day of Dedication

The production will include a time of worship, a few announcements, and then the dedication. The dedication should last no more than 5 – 8  minutes. You will be led in a prayer of dedication before being dismissed to the foyer for Journey Kids Check-In. Before the service we will have a reception area set up. During this time, you will have an opportunity to take pictures, receive your gift, certificate of dedication and enjoy refreshments.

Common Questions

What can I expect on the day of the dedication?

The production will include a time of worship, a few announcements, and then the dedication. The dedication should last no more than 5 – 8  minutes. You will be led in a prayer of dedication before being dismissed to the Foyer for Journey Kids Check-In. Before the service we will have a reception, area set up. During this time, you will have an opportunity to take pictures, receive your gift and certificate of dedication and  enjoy refreshments.

How much does Child Dedication cost?

There is no cost to participate in Child Dedication.

What do I need to do between now and the day of the dedication?

Invite your friends and family. A sample invitation will be emailed to you after you register.

What do I need to bring with me?

Besides your friends, family, and child (don’t forget them at home!) that’s it!

What time should we arrive?

Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the service start time.

What should we wear?

Whatever you and your little one will feel most comfortable in! Some people dress casually in jeans, while others wear more formal attire.

Is this an infant baptism?

No. We believe that a child must be old enough to understand what it means to put their faith in Jesus Christ before they can be baptized. This event is an opportunity for you as parents to publicly declare that you want to raise your child to develop their own relationship with Jesus Christ.

I can barely get my child to sit still long enough to get them dressed. How will they survive the entire dedication service?

Your child will make noise during the dedication portion of the service(5-8 minutes). But that’s okay, because so will everyone else’s! Additionally, after the dedication portion of our service, you will have an opportunity to check your child into Journey Kids.

Will there be a photographer?

We will have a photography vignette set up for family photos. Please bring your own camera, and we will furnish a staff member or volunteer to take your picture.  Our team will also be capturing these special moments for you while you are on stage.